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 • Lifestyle  • We’re All In This Together: Getting Through the Pandemic

We’re All In This Together: Getting Through the Pandemic

As we hit the two year mark of the pandemic I can’t help but put on my Carrie Bradshaw hat and give some advice on how to get through it. For the most part, those first year was nothing short of BRUTAL.  From the endless zoom happy hour calls to the omnipresent Tik Tok challenges, and I can’t forget the rise and fall of Tiger King, us millennials have witnessed some #strangethings occurring in our society.

But, all jokes aside it was challenging. Some moved, some worked from home and others became essential workers. With the constant changes that are currently going on it can be difficult to feel grounded and even sometimes lose sight of your goals or purpose. When covid first hit, I had a delayed reaction to it all. Prior to the pandemic, I was experiencing burnout and couldn’t recall the last time I had a day where I slept in. From modeling, to working in healthcare while still maintaining friendships, it was very difficult for me to just sit still and relax. So, when covid hit and we started staying home I finally experienced solitude. However, those feelings changed later on once I realized the severity and longevity of the situation. Now, two years into this I wanted to share some of the ways I have stayed grounded.


Meditation + positive affirmations.

The first thing to do when waking up in the morning is to first read positive affirmations. I recommend implementing the “Mary Jane” technique. Plaster a handful of sticky notes in your room, your bathroom mirror or wherever you see fit. On these sticky notes, write a list of positive affirmations. By implementing this technique, you not only shift the outcome of your day but also can get in the right mindset for being productive.If you would prefer to opt out of the Mary Jane technique, I recommend using apps such as “I AM” allow you to set up positive affirmation reminders throughout the day. I highly recommend using this app as it can aid you in helping you reframe your mindset throughout the day. Typically, I like to follow my positive affirmation routine with guided meditation. I typically tend to watch 5 minute guided meditation videos on youtube to get in the zone but feel free to incorporate your own technique.



Self care is the BEST care. Whether or not that be getting a mani/pedi or using face masks finding your self care niche is the ultimate glow-up. Try investing in facial products (e.g., masks, oils, etc) candles and room spray. Your personal space is your refuge. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself in the mist of all of this chaos. Your self care routine/habits don’t need to look like the suggestions above but should be something you feel at peace with when you complete it.

Unplug, for a little. 

With all the noise that’s present on social media it’s good to take at least one day out of the week to unplug. If you’re in an industry where this may be challenging to do so try setting up restrictions for how long you can access any social media platform for day. Monitoring your usage will not only increase your mood but well allow you to take in your surroundings. Also, encourage friends, peers and family members to contact you offline as well so that you do not feel the urge to check your socials.


Pick up a hobby. 

Use this time to pick up a hobby that you’ve always wanted to do before, after or during the pandemic. Create a strategy on how you’ll plan to do it and let time run its course. Maybe you’ve always wanted to read more books, complete that triatholation you’ve had on your mind since high school or maybe it’s something less rigorous such as talking a daily walk.


-The Lone Ranger